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Book Review: The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle

Wren Gray has always worked hard to please her parents.  She’s spent all of high school studying and succeeding, but now that she’s graduated, she realizes that she’s been missing out on her own life.  Enter Charlie Parker, a boy who has loved Wren since he first saw her.  The two embark on a romance the summer before their adult lives begin, but there are obstacles the two must eventually face if they want to be together.

Lauren Myracle’s latest offering is a sweet, sizzling romance and coming of age story that should net her new fans and retain her old ones.  A gifted writer with a keen knack for character development, The Infinite Moment of Us is a standout contemporary love story with a lot of heart and a great deal of depth.  This is a must-read of 2013.

Told in alternating perspectives with third-person narration, Myracle allows readers to get to know both Wren and Charlie.  The third-person narration works beautifully here, allowing the reader enough insight into each character without giving too much away or succumbing to an overdose of angst.  Both characters struggle to define themselves and their budding relationship over the course of one summer, and the growth both undergo is visible.

Credit has to be given to Myracle for being able to apply just the right amount of pressure to her characters and their stories.  There’s some heavy, serious stuff here, but it never feels melodramatic or inauthentic.  She straddles that line beautifully, keeping the story compelling and relatable to readers, who should gobble this one up.

Much has been made of the fact that in this book, Myracle’s teens engage in quite a bit of sex–and they enjoy it, too.  This is not a message book by any means.  It’s about teens discovering themselves and their sexuality through real, authentic intimacy.  Some of it is steamy, and some of it is completely frank.  All of it is wonderful.

It’s been called an update of Judy Blume’s iconic Forever…, but I think both books stand on their own.  Strong characters, a compelling romance, and solid writing make this a book you do not want to miss.

The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle. Amulet Books: 2013. Electronic galley acccepted for review via NetGalley.

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