books and reading

In My Mailbox (46)

In My Mailbox (IMM) is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  This meme allows bloggers to share the books they’ve received over the course of the week.  I’m trying to participate in part because I think it’s fun, and in part because I want to keep track of what I’m getting (and how that differs from what I’m reading).

From Netgalley:
The Invitation by Diane Hoh: This is a reissue of a title published in the mid-90s.  It looks…ridiculous.  It might be fun.

From the Library:

In Too Deep by Amanda Grace: I don’t know if I’m glutton for punishment or what, but I couldn’t resist picking this one up, despite my serious reservations about Grace’s other “issue” book.
Love? Maybe by Heather Hepler: This looks cute.  We’ll see.
The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown: I feel like I read about this one a while ago.  It looks really intriguing.

From GalleyGrab:

When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle: I’ve been trying to find a link for this one for a couple of weeks and finally, finally found one.  So excited.

What’s in your mailbox this week?